Watching a U2 Tribute Band vs. hearing a U2 cover

Watching a U2 Tribute Band vs. hearing a U2 cover

As far as I’m concerned, the more U2 there is out there, the better.  Even if it’s bad U2, it’s still fun.  Goodness knows I’ve heard bad renditions of songs by bands that I cannot stand, so it’s obvious to me that I may as well get some enjoyment out of a cover version of a U2 song, no?

That being said, I’m definitely not elitist enough to believe that there’s no such thing as a good U2 cover – not at all.  It’s always a pleasant surprise to hear a cover band perform a U2 song, but as überfans we want something far more than that.  What is it that makes watching a bunch of guys playing U2 songs tolerable to a U2 fan?  It’s the little things – did “Bono” invest in an appropriate pair of sunglasses?  How about a Gretsch Irish Falcon?  (And, like real Bono, he doesn’t necessarily need to know how to play it, we just need to see if it’s there.)  Is “The Edge” playing a Gibson Explorer?  Does he have more than one guitar?  And for goodness sakes, is he getting the delay just right? (…and is he wearing black Converse?  An era-appropriate hat?  Did he shave his facial hair into a perfect little goatee?  And are there rhinestones?  There must be rhinestones! I could go on…)

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